Umiejętności dla sukcesu

Praktyczne ćwiczenia usprawniające

Exercise 1: Scenario Analysis

Cel: Practice decision-making in hypothetical scenarios to develop problem-solving skills.


  1. Scenariusz 1: You need to decide whether to prevent a friend from driving while they are feeling very ill with high fever and dizziness. List all possible actions and communication strategies you would use to address this situation.
  2. Scenariusz 2: You need to decide whether to intervene when a friend is trying to drive after consuming alcohol. List all possible actions and communication strategies you would use.


    • Compare the strategies for both scenarios. Which was easier to address? What factors influenced your approach?

Exercise 2: Self-Reflection on Past Decisions

Cel: Analyze past decisions to gain insights and learn from them.


  1. Recall an unfavorable situation from your past and give it a title.
  2. Describe what you thought about yourself during that event.
  3. Answer these questions:
    • Did your thoughts help in that situation?
    • How did they affect your stress, self-esteem, and relationships?
    • If not helpful, why?
  4. Formulate an alternative self-message that could have been more beneficial.

Exercise 3: Goal Setting and Action Planning

Cel: Set actionable goals and evaluate their feasibility to enhance decision-making.


  1. Make a list of at least 15 things you want to achieve. Write down everything that comes to mind without self-censorship.
  2. For each desire, identify one small step you can take today and rate its realism on a scale of 1 to 5:
    • 1: 20% realistic
    • 2: 40% realistic
    • 3: 60% realistic
    • 4: 80% realistic
    • 5: 100% realistic
  3. Reflect on how specific goals and steps impact your sense of control and effectiveness in decision-making.


  • Consider how breaking down goals into smaller steps can enhance your ability to make decisions and achieve your objectives.